Tuesday, August 27, 2013

CHEA 2013-2014

Many good ideas were thought up at our beginning meeting last night at Rene's home.  Thanks SO much for hosting another good and fruitful time, Rene!

We have 4 possible field trips in the works, fall moms' meetings set up, and a few other activities to boot.  Check out the left side bar for details on all 3 categories.  I will be scheduling a curriculum swap/sell date in March, before we start ordering for next year's curriculum.

Naamah is going to be the keeper of the member list now, so contact her ASAP with any changes to your information.  Naamah will also get info out on our facebook group. 

Rene will be posting moms' meeting info. as each meeting comes up.  I will try to keep the events sidebar updated.  Various planners will be posting the details about their events here on the blog as the year goes by.  ***If you are an event planner and don't have access to writing on the blog, contact me.***

Throughout the year, ALL MEMBERS should please make an effort to RSVP to events with "yes" or "no" answers whenever the various events are posted by the planners in question.  This common courtesy REALLY helps anyone planning events.  A quick reply to the event planner via the email or facebook post received or even in the comments on the event's blog post is so easy, and I know it will be much appreciated.  Thank you.

There are many ways to stay up-to-date.  Please check your email, facebook, or this blog regularly to keep posted.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Homeschool Start Up Meeting

Come One, Come All
Parents and Children
Bring main dish, dessert, lawn chairs
Table service provided
Monday, August 26th , 2013
Woods home 6:00 p.m.
Contact me for more info/directions 

START-UP MEETING ~ Coming soon!

Mon., August 26th

Details to be announced!

Temple Grandin in Pitt

Temple Grandin will speak at Memorial Auditiorium
on Wed., Aug. 14th at 6:00pm

Admission:  Free