Wednesday, January 19, 2011

YMCA Swim Team Opportunity

The YMCA swim team is inviting anyone who is interested to check out the team.  They are swimming on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 4-6 pm.  New swimmers are encouraged to come on as many of those days as they can. (our family just does part practice on Wed and full practice on Fri)  Because of a fundraiser the team did, there are NO FEES through the end of March--you need only be a Y member. (Reg. fees will resume in April)  So this is a great, no-risk chance for anyone who might be interested in swimming on the team this summer.  There really is no minimum age, but kids must be able to get from one end of the pool to another without hanging on to the side or touching bottom and be willing to follow instructions. 
I'm happy to answer any questions, so folks can email me.  Thank you for your help!

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