Friday, January 28, 2011

The Importance of Reviewing

I like to read homeschool blogs.

Yesterday, one of my favorites,
I'm Nobody! Who are You?,  Daisy was focusing
on the importance of reviewing learned material.

She also gives great ideas on HOW
to accomplish this review in 
various fun ways.

Check it out HERE!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kansas State Birthday - top 150 books

Below is the news release and the list of 150 books that the State Library has compiled for the state's birthday.  My Librarian sent it to me and suggested I post it here.  There is a link you can go to in order to see the booklist in the news release.


State Library Releases List of 150 “Best” Kansas Books

    Topeka: It appears that over the years, authors have been prolific in writing about Kansas or using Kansas as a setting for their books. Nearly 300 titles were submitted as potential candidates for the Sesquicentennial-celebrating list compiled by the State Library of Kansas.

As a lead up to Kansas’ 150th Birthday, the State Library solicited recommended books throughout most of 2010. The grassroots project encouraged book title suggestions from anyone—individuals, authors, booksellers, and publishers. Criteria for nominations was simple: a significant aspect of the book must relate to Kansas, its culture, its heritage or be historical in nature; and the book must have a recognizable Kansas author. The book may be fiction or non-fiction, any genre, and suitable for readers of all ages.

“This was an interesting project for us, and unlike anything we’ve done in the past,” said Joanne Budler, State Librarian. “Nearly 300 book titles were submitted—some more than once. We spent a great deal of time checking to assure titles and authors were correct, as well as making certain the book met the criteria for our list.” 

“We also confirmed all titles were in print and available through Kansas libraries, so readers may have their local library request a book through interlibrary loan if necessary,” Budler explained. “Kansas libraries have been sharing resources for years; this is one more opportunity to employ this service. In addition, the Kansas Courier service moves books quickly and economically between libraries.”

“To read more Kansas history on a specific topic, check with your school, college or public library," added Budler. “Literally hundreds of books about Kansas and Kansans have been published, with scores more titles published each year.”

The list in alphabetical order by title accompanies this press release. The complete list is available at: and 

Although the Library’s services have changed and adapted over the years, it is the library’s mission to serve the citizens of Kansas. In early statehood years, the Library offered traveling library materials to reach rural Kansans. Later, as a ready resource to the executive and legislative branches of state government, the State Library has served as depository of legal and historical documents. Today, with new technology and access to expansive databases, the State Library of Kansas offers more information than ever to the citizens of Kansas. Visit our website,

Sent by: Janie Rutherford, Communications Coordinator, State Library of Kansas

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

World Record Lincoln Farewell Address

Hi fellow home educators. I received another letter from the Fort but this time regarding a Lincoln's farewell world record reading. I thought I'd pass the info on and let you decide what you all want to do.

Hope to see you and your group this weekend at Fort Scott National Historic Site.
For your (and the home school group) information, we are also participating in the world record

for simultaneous reading at 11:00am on Friday, February 11 by reading Abraham Lincoln's Farewell Address as he departed Springfield IL for Washington DC and his inauguration as president.
More information can be found at:
If your group cannot come back to Fort Scott NHS to participate with us, you can organize your own group reading to help try to break the world record.  All the information you need is at the website.
But if you can join us on Feb 11, please plan to arrive by 10:45am for last minute instructions.
Again, look forward to seeing you this weekend!


Historian, National Park Service
Fort Scott National Historic Site
Old Fort Boulevard
Post Office Box 918
Fort Scott KS 66701-0918

620-223-0310 (work)
620-223-0188 (fax)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Encampment Schedule!

CW Encampment 2011

The above link is press release from The Fort. If you can not see it please let me know. It is stored on Google Docs and is approved to all with the address. It's a first for me to send out to others and I'd like to know how it works. I can email it also.

The weekend is being planned by the Holmes Brigade and is to have a whole bunch of civil war military re-enactors.

To me the chaotic moment when the two hotels occupants spill out into the parade grounds would be interesting, the raising of the 30 foot by 50 foot flag, the statehood b-day cake and the music concert. What do you think? Also, a picnic lunch on the grounds is fun and cheaper then going out or we could go to MacDonalds! I'm not hoping for a balmy 33 degrees like is predicting. I can ask if we can use the Grand Hall for eating.

Cost for children is free. Sixteen and older is $3.00. For those that would appreciate it I can pay for  admission early so there is no exchange of money on their sabbath. Let me know ahead of time.

Several of my children are acting as civilians/volunteers this weekend with a couple waiting to see what CHEA members plan to do.

Let's Talk!

CHEA Friends--
Please leave ideas of what
you are interested in and join
in the discussion on comments.

If we all are posting, then we
can know each other's needs
and maybe we can figure out
which direction to head with
the group activities.

Having a group means


Thank you!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Kansas Day Activities.

For ideas at home here is a helpful site.


I've emailed the Fort and am waiting to learn when the activities are on the 29th. From our children I have heard that the Rangers are not in charge of this days programs, but have invited a troop of soldiers for an encampment and to do the program. Some of my children have been asked to be civilians for the day. I'll post more as soon as I learn of it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

YMCA Swim Team Opportunity

The YMCA swim team is inviting anyone who is interested to check out the team.  They are swimming on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 4-6 pm.  New swimmers are encouraged to come on as many of those days as they can. (our family just does part practice on Wed and full practice on Fri)  Because of a fundraiser the team did, there are NO FEES through the end of March--you need only be a Y member. (Reg. fees will resume in April)  So this is a great, no-risk chance for anyone who might be interested in swimming on the team this summer.  There really is no minimum age, but kids must be able to get from one end of the pool to another without hanging on to the side or touching bottom and be willing to follow instructions. 
I'm happy to answer any questions, so folks can email me.  Thank you for your help!

Field Trip Ideas

I finally was able to get my computer turned on and get to my list of ideas! Praise Jesus!

Anyway, here's the list I had come up with:

Greenbush Observatory - Greenbush, KS
PSU Planetarium - Pittsburg, KS
PSU Nature Reach - Pittsburg, KS
Greenbush Rainforest - Greenbush, KS
Big Brutus - West Mineral, KS
Cosmosphere - Hutchison, KS
Little House on the Prairie - Wayside, KS
Crawford County Museum - Girard, KS
Crawford County Historical Museum - Pittsburg, KS
Reptile World - Joplin, MO

I have more detailed information on each of these if we decide we are interested. Please check out the links I've provided if you want to know more about each place.

If you were not at the meeting, please do not feel overwhelmed by these last two posts! They are just ideas and discussion starters for spring field trips. We aren't trying to do them all now.

Don't forget to post your thoughts on these ideas or the ones in the previous post in the comments section!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Moms' Meeting Summary

We had a great time tonight.  It was fun to get caught up.  Two friends are expecting babies in May only 10 days apart.  And we met a new friend tonight!  I'll send out a couple of prayer requests via email.

The next Moms' Meeting will be Monday, February 21st @ the Mall Deli @ 6:00pm.

New opportunity for the CHEA Teens:  We will be implementing a Teen Night on the 1st Thursday of each month.  The teens will get together to play games from 6:30-9:00pm.  The host teen(s) will provide plates, cups, silverware, and drinks.  The visiting teens will bring snacks to share.

I will post the locations for each get together for the next few months in the left sidebar, so that it will remain easy to find.

KANSAS DAY on January 29th!!!  Kansas will be 150 years old.  There will be some activities at the Fort in Ft. Scott that day.  Rondi will be looking into details to pass along.

Many good ideas were brought up for possible Field Trips:

Wilderness Trails in various locations.
Joplin Audubon Center
Springdale Jones Center - ice skating and various other fun activities
Diamond - George Washington Carver homeschool day in the Spring
Prairie State Park
Roller Skating
Greenbush activities (ropes' course, other educational sessions like movie making)
Hollister Gun Range

***Please contact Naamah if you have an interest in a particular field trip.  You can work with her to make it happen.  She will need plenty of help with whatever options are chosen.

Another suggestion was the youth get together at the Pittsburg Public Library on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-6:00pm.  Apparently they have a chessboard on the floor of a room and play life-size chess.  FUN!

As always, there is always the option of initiating a get together for shooting hoops at the Y or a park date.  A suggestion for a Chess Tournament was thrown out for the guys and a possible Tea Party or something else fun for the girls.

Lots of fun ideas!  If you want to see one or more of them happen and you are willing to help, please contact Lezlie or Naamah.

Robin gave us the scoop about getting great deals from a couple of sites:
Ask her if you have questions.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Moms' Meeting 2011


To make it nice and easy on everyone, we are going to have our 1st meeting at the coffee shop in Ron's IGA.

We will meet next Monday evening, Jan. 17th at 7pm.

      We can discuss the best night for us to meet at that meeting.  If you cannot be there, you may vote via email.

Please bring your calendars.

Please bring any activities/ideas you want to make happen for the semester.

I have one idea so far I would like to implement for the teens.

I would like to see more activity in the group, but it takes all of us to make that happen.
