Tuesday, September 28, 2010

October Share Night

Our Share Night will be on

Thursday, October 28th
from 6:30-8:00pm

at Trinity Baptist Church

at the corner of Elm & Washington

Bring finger foods to snack on
along with whatever your student(s)
want to share with their friends.

A special treat for this night will be Rodney Woods' 
arrangement with the Gideons' to come and share
with our group briefly and hand out 
New Testaments to the children.  


Your student(s) bring 1 or 2 things they have worked on this year that they are proud of.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy.  Just something they want to share with others, in any subject or extracurricular area.  The items will be laid out on tables and the parents and other children can go around to see what everyone is doing.  

For a 15-20 minute time period, the children will stand by their item/project so they can be available to answer questions that people have about their projects.  (This is not a public speaking time in front of everyone.  Just answering questions from one or two people as they pass by.)  

Parents make encouraging written comments on a paper for at least 2 of the projects, if not more.  Then the children will have some written comments to take home to encourage them.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The data is in Friends!

Our Share night will be...

(May I hear a drum roll please?)

Thursday, October 28th

from 6:30-8:00pm

Location & Details T.B.A.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Be there or Be square!


Moms' Meeting

Monday night from 7-9pm

at Lezlie's house:
2208 California St.

Bring your calendars!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Just to let you know, my church, Trinity Baptist Church does the AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed)Club program. It is a Scripture memory club where children earn vests and patches and 'jewels' to put on those vests for different types of participation in the program. (I am known as 'The Patch Lady' since I sew on all the patches that are earned.)

Our start-up meeting is this coming Wednesday night, September 8th, from 6:00-7:30pm. Trinity is located at the corners of Elm and Washington.

For the 1st meeting, parents are requested to stay and walk through with the children so they can learn what is expected of the children and how to help.

The age ranges is 2 years old to 4th grade. Puggles is for 2-3 year olds. Cubbies is for 4-5 year olds. Sparks is for Kindergarten through Second Grade. Truth in Training (TnT) is for Third through Fourth Grade.

We also have a program for 5th-6th graders called Cross Training which is not a part of the AWANA program but is still good and a youth group for 7th-12th graders called Metamorpho.

There is a $15 yearly dues fee which can be paid in 1 lump sum or by bringing .50/week. Children earn points for bringing their dues, Bibles, handbooks, vests, Sunday School attendance, and more. They get to spend points earned at a quarterly AWANA store, which has toy prizes.

It's a great program and you're welcome to participate if you would like to.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Our Poster has been posted...

At the Pittsburg Public Library.

Here it is:

If you have somewhere you would like to post one, I can print you a copy.

I might take one over to the YMCA next time I go.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Start-Up Meeting - Check!

Well, we had a good time chatting and catching up and sharing hair moisturizing tips, as well as a plethora of other information Monday night.  If you missed it, you missed out!

We decided the MOMS' MEETINGS will still be the 3rd Monday of every month.  The next Moms' Meeting will be Sept. 20th at 7:00pm at Lezlie's home (2208 California, Pittsburg - 2 blocks north of Centennial on California, turn left into dead-end, brick house).  PLEASE make every effort to be there since we will try to set up how we want to structure the group and schedule activities.  BRING YOUR CALENDAR!!!  (Robin Humbard will host the October 18th meeting.)

We talked about ideas for what we wanted to do this year.  Social activities for the older students was mentioned (game nights, bowling, a shooting range).  A sharing time to show off the students' work was discussed.  Naamah gave a little info. about the potential FIELD TRIP in September.  (REMEMBER:  She needs to know if you are interested by September 9th.  The date of the event is the 16th and she has to register our count.)

These are just a few of the fun things that could be done this year.  If YOU have ideas, make sure you bring them up.

Last, but not least, I was asked
to share my Apple Crisp recipe:

Greased 9" pie plate 1/2-2/3 full of thinly sliced apples (or use peaches, apricots, cherries, etc.)
If you use apples, sprinkle 2tsp Cinnamon and 2tsp Vanilla on them and stir.
Mix separately, 1cup Brown Sugar, 1/2cup white flour, 1/2cup rolled oats, 1/4tsp salt.
Soften 1/2cup Butter and stir into sugar mixture.
Sprinkle all over apples in the pie plate evenly.
Bake @ 325 for 1 hour (or 350 for around 40 min. if you're in a hurry or it's hot outside).

Serve hot or cold with cool whip or ice cream.  YUM, YUM!!!